Before we can start our activities our new club grounds need unnamedwork eg fencing repaired to keep the cattle out, internal fencing (wire & posts) removed, paddock cleared of hazards, paddock slashed, then storage container and club equipment organised to the site.

This is where you can help.

On the weekend of 9th & 10th January commencing at 9:30am we’re having a club working bee at the grounds to remove fencing wire and clear the paddock of hazzards. It would be appreciated if you have a spare hour or two to come along and help. You’ll need to bring your own gloves, the thicker the better as we’re handling barbwire. Plus you’ll need a fencing staple remover or pliers if you have any. Please email a reply if you can make it.  We’re all itching to start our events but to do so we need your help.