Having trouble finding our club grounds? Enter our grounds via Schofields Lane Berry, about 2 klms south of Berry. Schofields Lane doesn’t have a road sign but the road is marked by orange bunting on either side. During the week we’re able to use the ‘Top Entrance’ and on Sunday we enter through the double mesh gates near the Local Land Service (LLS / DPI) buildings. The double mesh gate entrance road is tarred. Please keep all gates closed at all times. Thank you.
For further clarification refer to the attached map at the end of this post.
Just a thought: as the highway can be extremely busy Sunday afternoon, instead of turning south out of Schofields Lane consider turning north, travel for about 2 klms turning right at the duck pond. A circular road in the duck pond picnic area can be used as a turning bay to help with turning south. Eventually there will be an underpass that will make entering and leaving Schofields Lane extremely easy.