Our next show jumping day will be a clear round training day on Sunday 4th September. Every clear round will receive a ribbon. Starting height at x/rails, last height 1.10+. A great training day for inexperienced riders and horses and those wanting to try a higher height without the pressure of a competition. Book now via Global > Show jumping.  Cost $15 / horse. All welcome.

* Upcoming events
Saturday 27th AugustSDD (Dressage) Clinic with Carolyn James
Saturday 3rd September – An Evening with Kim Petersen: “What’s this Sport called Working Equitation????” 
3 & 4 SeptemberA weekend Working Equitation Clinic with Kim Petersen. 
Sunday 11th SeptemberDressage Competition
Saturday 24th SeptemberPresentation Night – postponed from August 20th
1 – 3 OctoberBerry Interschool Championship