Berry Riding Club’s June calendar is action packed for everyone. To kick the month off, Pink Ribbon Funkhana 4th June is planned after being postponed due to wet and windy conditions. It did give everyone more time to put into finding some new pink adornments for...
Perfect Riding Weather now Autumn is Here Our annual “Pink Funkhana” is being held on April 2nd. Berry Riding Club grounds in Schofields Lane, will be a sea of pink. The riders and horses are dressed and decorated in pink gear, glitter, ribbons, and paint. It’s a...
March News March gets off to an exciting start with a Cross Country Derby on Sunday 5th March. It is an exciting event combining speed and the skills required to clear challenging solid looking jumps spread over a course, that is close to a kilometre long. Next up...
Berry Riding Club saw 2022 out with one of our favourite events. One hundred riders came together at our Christmas Funkhana, horses and riders dressed in Christmas colours took to the arenas in great spirit. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made this happen....
Planting Trees for the Queen’s Jubilee To commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee year 2022, trees are to be planted across the world. Berry Riding Club was successful in applying to be part of this project, for much needed shade trees to be...