EA Community News July

EA Community News July

    From the Chair First I would like to thank you for all the feedback and questions raised following our recent video chat on EA’s Digital Transformation Project. There was a lot of positive commentary about the need for this project.  READ MORE Paris here we...
National Volunteers Week, May 2024.

National Volunteers Week, May 2024.

  As National Volunteer Week comes to a close, we want to acknowledge the incredible efforts of our volunteers.    As a Club, everything we do relies on the time, effort and energy of volunteers. So to everyone who contributes to the community of volunteers at Berry...
Some Dates For Your Diary.

Some Dates For Your Diary.

Some dates for your diary. And please remember, if you’re not riding at any of our events please consider volunteering a couple of hours to help lessen the workload for other. After all, that’s what successful enduring clubs thrive on, many hands making light...